Saturday, March 24, 2012

Madonna Fashion Concern Russian

Madonna has clashed with authorities in St Petersburg over a new law which prohibits the 'propaganda of homosexuality and paedophilia among minors'.

The superstar has taken to her Facebook page to speak out against the legislation, which has been criticised for likening homosexuality with paedophilia.

Calling herself a 'freedom fighter' the star wrote: 'I will come to St Petersburg to speak up for the gay community and to give strength and inspiration to anyone who is or feels oppressed.'

Speaking out: Madonna, pictured performing at the Superbowl halftime show last month, has spoken out against a new law in Russia which likens homosexuality with paedophilia

Speaking out: Madonna, pictured performing at the Superbowl halftime show last month, has spoken out against a new law in Russia which likens homosexuality with paedophilia

According to the bill, gay rights 'propaganda' threatens to 'damage the health, moral and spiritual development of the underaged.'

Anyone found to be promoting the 'false perception that traditional and non-traditional relationships are socially equal' may be fined up to £10,000.
Organisations can be penalised by as much as £100,000.

The Russian Orthodox Church, which believes that homosexuality is a sin, has called for the law to be nationalised.

Madonna has called the new bill, signed in to law by by Mayor of St Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, a 'ridiculous atroocity'.

Poltavchenko is a close ally of President-elect Vladimir Putin and a former KGB operative.

Taking a risk: Madonna, who is due to tour in Russia this summer, may be arrested if she criticises the law during one of her concerts

Taking a risk: Madonna, who is due to tour in Russia this summer, may be arrested if she criticises the law during one of her concerts

Madonna is due to tour in Russia this summer.

City assemblyman Vitaly Milanov, who wrote the bill, says he wants Madonna charged under the new law if she makes any negative reference to it during her show.
Milanov asserted that he was prepared to attend the concert 'to control its moral content.'

The Material Girl came to blows with the Russian Church in 2006, when church activists protested against her singing Live to Tell on a crucifix while wearing a crown of thorns during a Moscow concert.

Archaic: Anyone found to be promoting the 'false perception that traditional and non-traditional relationships are socially equal' may be fined up to £10,000

Standing her ground: Madonna called the law, which refers to the 'false perception that traditional and non-traditional relationships are socially equal' an 'atrocity'

Some organisers of gay pride events have called her a 'hypocrite' this time round however.

Yuri Gavrikov, head of St Petersburg's Gay Russia movement, told AFP: 'We intend to protest against the hypocrisy of pop stars. In Russia they have fantastic earnings and this allows them to forget about the problems of human rights,'

'If people like Madonna boycott their concerts, particularly in St Petersburg, that could have economic consequences, and that is important, while declarations of support for gay rights at concerts mean nothing.'

Other Russian gay rights groups have  welcomed the attention the superstar has attracted to their cause.

'We consider that Madonna’s visit and her address to millions of her Russian fans with words in support of freedom of expression for everyone will bring more good than a boycott would,' said Igor Kochetkov, chairman of the Russian LGBT Network.

Attempts to hold illegal gay rights events in Moscow have previously resulted in multiple arrests.

Orthodox believers remain adamant that homosexuals ought to be punished or treatment for their 'illness' in hospital.

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